Introducing The nac MEMRECAM ACS-1 M60

May 2020
Building on the success of the world's first 40Gpixel/sec camera introduced in late 2018, NAC is pleased to announce the first 60Gpixel/sec camera – the Memrecam ACS-1 M60. The ACS-1 M60 provides one-megapixel images at an incredible 60,000 frames per second in high quality mode and an unreal 100,000fps in NAC’s proprietary boost mode. Along with the fastest frame rates of any camera on the market, NAC has also improved the ACS-1 M60’s light sensitivity to an industry leading ISO 100,000 (Mono). With this groundbreaking and innovative technology, users are now able to capture illusive mages that have been too fast and too dark in the past. The ACS-1 M60 is receiving rave reviews from countless applications including, Research and Testing, Fluid Dynamics, Ballistics, Materials Testing and more.

Full details are available on the MEMRECAM ACS product page.
For more information, or to arrange a demonstration, please click here or Call NAC Americas Inc. at 833-600-0261